JSON Viewer extension for Visual Studio

While working on a client project I needed a tool to easily compare Json files with. After a short google search I found an extension for Visual Studio called JSON Viewer. I installed the extension and it’s a pretty nice tool for formatting and comparing Json files.

By the way: If you just want to format your Json file you don’t need any additional tool because pressing Ctrl + K + D is enough to fromat your Json file.

You can find the visual studio marketplace site for the extension here: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=MykolaTarasyuk.JSONViewer

Missing compiler required member ‚Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.CSharpArgumentInfo.Create‘

You are working in a .net Core or .net Standard codebase and get the error „Missing compiler required member ‚Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.CSharpArgumentInfo.Create“. In my case it appears when I used the dynamic type. The solution is to load the nuget package Microsoft.CSharp. After you installed it and write a using to your code everything should work as expected.

Set multiple startup projects in Visual Studio

There are use-cases where you want to start multiple projects of your solution at once in Visual Studio. For example if you’re developing a website in Asp.Net Core MVC getting it’s data of an Asp.Net Core Web API application. You’ll have to do the following steps to set multiple startup projects:

1) Right click on the top node of your solution in the solution explorer.
2) In the context menu choose Properties (Alt + Enter).
3) Expand the „Common Properties“ node, and choose Startup Project.
4) Select the Multiple Startup Projects radio button option and set the appropriate actions.

The way with less clicks is to click on the little arrow on the left side of the start button and choose Define Start Projects or right click on the solution node and choose Define Start Projects.

Publish problem after updating net core version

Updating my dot net core mvc project from version 2.2 to 3.0 I got an error saying „project.assets.json doesn’t have a target for .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.2“. I deleted the mentioned JSON file which was new generated  but nothing changed. After searching for my problem in google I found this link https://github.com/dotnet/sdk/issues/1321 where similiar problems were reported. One of the answers was a good one: Delete your publish profile and try again. This worked for me and I hope for many other people out there getting this error.

Detecting your installed .net core version by console

If want to check which .net core version, sdk’s and runtimes are installed on your machine you can easily check in console by typing:

dotnet --info

You will get a result looking like:

Getting .net core infos in console
Getting .net core infos in console

Like mentioned in the result you can install another version or sdk by visiting https://aka.ms/dotnet-download and following the instructions or do it directly in visual studio.

There you have to open the project properties and select the targetframework dropdown. You can find an option named install another framework there. By clicking on it the browser opens and you’ll be transfered to https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/visual-studio-sdks where you can download runtimes and sdk’s.